Community Care Health Provider Directory API Access Guide

Welcome to the Community Care Health Provider Directory API Access Guide. This guide is designed to provide developers with essential information on accessing our API to comply with Federal Regulations, as outlined in SB 1419.

API Description:

The Community Care Health Provider Directory API is a secure and standardized interface that allows authorized developers to access information from our provider directory. This API provides essential data to comply with Federal Regulations and enables seamless integration into your applications and services.

API Usage:

The primary use of the API is to retrieve provider information from the Community Care Health Provider Directory. This information includes details such as provider names, contact information, specialties, and other relevant data required for compliance with SB 1419.

Security Measures:

To ensure the security and integrity of the data, the API implements robust security measures, including but not limited to:

  • Token-Based Authentication: Developers are required to request an access token by submitting a request through the on-page web form. This token serves as the key for accessing the API.
  • HTTPS Encryption: All communication with the API is encrypted using HTTPS to protect the data transmitted between your application and our servers.
  • Audit Trails: Comprehensive audit trails are in place to monitor API usage, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Accessing the API:

  • Requesting Access: Developers must fill out the on-page web form to request API access. The form collects essential information about the developer and the intended use of the API.
  • Token Generation: Once the request is approved, a unique access token will be generated and sent to the developer. This token is required for authenticating API requests.
  • How-To Guide: Along with the access token, developers will receive a link to a comprehensive how-to guide. This guide provides detailed instructions on making API requests, handling responses, and troubleshooting common issues.

Get Started:

To get started with the Community Care Health Provider Directory API, please fill out the form. Upon approval, you will receive your access token and the how-to guide.
Thank you for choosing Community Care Health for your provider directory needs. If you have any questions or encounter issues, please contact our support team at

CCH Provider Directory API Token Request

Note: This document is subject to change, and developers are encouraged to check for updates regularly.